Monday, February 15, 2010

I've been giving a lot of thought to emerging web based tools or Web 2.0 This isn't by choice, but necessity.  Raven Tales as an educational resource was designed to reach the largest possible American Indian audience. Knowing this, and knowing that most BIA schools are very rural, we created a number of tools that would be web based, so anyone with the web could find Raven Tales graphic readers, phonic tools and history timelines. We also decided to offer some of the Raven Tales animations online, to ensure that students, libraries and schools could have access without having the direct physical resource ie. DVDs. 

Interestingly the most web traffic we've received has been in the form of a Web 2.o - Youtube. We posted an episode of Raven Tales and so far have received over 10,000 original views. Teachers across Canada also used the tool to illustrate the importance of viewing different mediums to understand narrative elements.

As part of lesson plans in British Columbia, students were asked to create their own Raven Tales, and since then we've seen twenty postings of student made animation. Given the time and effort involved this is fantastic response.

Our hope is to continue to explore this kind of give and take with students in using Web 2.o based tools.